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Sweetsunes are a rare species most related to both cats and kitsunes. They are well known for their unique traits such as their strange large ears, tails and horns made up of sweet foods such as hard candies. These creatures can come in a large amount of different fur paterens and fur colors, most commonly being lavender, pink, and light yellow.

Sweetsunes can either be male or female. Neither of the sexes are more common than the other, as 50% of the population is male and the other 50% is female. Although, both sexes have some pretty notable differences which is shown below.

Female sweetsunes are shorter, averaging around 5'2" in height. Female sweetsunes have wider and much more angled horns with a rounded tip. Although not too noticible, their ears are also slightly flatter and dont have as much of a pivot in the center as male sweetsunes do. Their neck fur is also fluffer and larger.

Male sweetsunes are taller, averaging around 5'5' in height. A male sweetsune has pointer, thinner, taller, and much tougher horns. Unlike the female sweetsunes, males have dangerously pointy horns. Their ears stand taller and have slightly more angled ears. Their neck fur isn't as fluffy and is slightly smaller in size.

Sweetsunes ears normally measure up to one foot in height, but in very rare occaisions they can measure up to one foot and eight inches. Inside of their ears is a large amount of soft fluffy fur that completely fill up the inside of the ear. Their ears stand on the sides of their head and very slightly tilt and face to the back rather than facing directly to their side.